Tantrums are a normal stage of toddler development. Kid’s tantrum outburst occurs when you deny fulfilling their demand. Tantrums are one way for young children to test their boundaries and assert their independence.
If the tantrums are dealt with incorrectly, your child will begin to use them to their advantage; even aggressive behavior takes its roots from tantrums.

Causes of Temper Tantrum
- Tiredness
- Hunger
- Inadequate sleep
- Spicy and salty food
- Family stresses
- Frustration out of failure
Temper Tantrum is manifested into
- Crying
- Screaming
- Hitting
- Biting
- Defiance
- Resisting any attempt of pacification
To a child, negative
attention (a parent's response to a tantrum) is better than no attention at
all. Consider the request carefully when your child wants something.
minor choices. This may fulfill the need for independence and ward off
tantrums. Be consistent. Kids must understand that you are inflexible on safety
Parents corrective action should be :-
- Taming the tantrums before it boils over.
- Choose your battles; accommodate when you can.
- Distract, ignore and remain calm.
- If temper outbursts in public places. Remove child from public place immediately.
- Don't try to argue with the child, as he is beyond reason during the tantrum.
- Give adequate time.
Screaming, Hitting, spanking don't
help. It sends the message that using force & physical punishment is OK.
Your child relies on you to be the example.
Do not reward your child after a
tantrum by giving in. Instead, verbally praise a child for regaining control.
Coping with tantrums is inevitable for all parents.